Living in Fear of being more?

Do not live life reserved.

Photo by cottonbro studio:

Photo by cottonbro studio

Part of being an adult is to live by the standards. But sometimes people don’t even know which standards,  sometimes people do things or don’t because of what’s usually done, what everyone else is doing. Standards are values, we are not supposed to adopt them. We are supposed to define them on our own by looking at ourselves and who we want to become.

For example, I have been evaluating my role as wife and mother, and most of the references I have from this role come from hearsay, which is not always bad, but some ideas don’t work for me. Why? Because I do not allow any idea that locks me in fear or downsizes me. Ideas like women belong to the kitchen, some people even say ‘the kitchen is yours’ hahaha. It doesn’t offend me, but I know they don’t really know me. Just because I cook, it doesn’t mean I was born to be a cook only. 

Do not reserve yourself because you fear being too much, accepted, too salty, or too sugary. Allow yourself to be you, either you are salt or sugar accept yourself, and begin to make changes you desire in your own life. 

Most people will not grow because they’re hiding who they really are, reserved. Because they want to obey the norms, they don’t want to stand out, they don’t want to be talked about, and they don’t want to be seen. It is obvious that we were designed to be seen that’s why we have bodies, to be different, to be diverse, to be unique just by looking at each of us. But surprisingly we want to conform to the uniformity of precedent, relying on history to create our values. How different can we be if this is how we do it? 

American professor and Author, Brene Brown is one of her talks about courage, she explained how she feared critics as she was preparing to give her TED Talk on her new book. But she attended the conference anyway, insulting criticism was there yet she choose to drop it. She encouraged herself to do what she planned to do and ignored the criticism. This story inspired me, that each person at their level is facing criticism, and judgment from people yet the only difference is some people know how to navigate criticism and express who they are. Our ultimate goal in life is glory, said Myles Munroe. Glory is the outcome of a life fully expressed. 

I challenge you to define your own values today. My favorite Author Modesta Mahiga said ‘ values decide for you in advance. As you explore yourself values will protect and guide you. Therefore create values that support your vision. Be fearless in expressing yourself.